
ONEforest at SwissForestLab Science Day


On October 6, the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow, and Landscape Research WSL, in partnership with the University of Ljubljana (ULJ), presented a compelling poster at the SwissForestLab Science Day. The poster, titled "Managing Alpine Forests with Close-to-Nature Forestry for Climate Mitigation and Multifunctionality," encapsulated the findings of the Alpine Case Study Region. This research has important implications for the sustainable management of forests in the face of climate change.

The event serves as a platform to showcase the research of scientists within the SwissForestLab, fostering collaboration and networking. This year's theme, "Forests in the Anthropocene - Impacts of Heat and Drought on Forest Functioning," provided an ideal setting for presenting innovative research.

The poster introduced a close-to-nature forestry approach for Alpine forests, emphasizing climate change mitigation and multifunctionality. This approach promotes ecologically sensitive techniques to ensure the long-term vitality of these unique ecosystems.

The research presented offers a blueprint for sustainable forest management in a world grappling with climate change. By adopting close-to-nature forestry, Alpine forests can mitigate climate change impacts while serving as essential resources for both the environment and humanity.